Episcopal Identity
Distinctive Features of
Our Episcopal Identity
Through dignity, respect, love and service, Grace-St. Luke’s has infinite possibilities to serve our students and community. But it is through three distinctive features of the Episcopal tradition that we approach the education of our students and the nurturing of all GSL constituents.
Our unity is based on our community and traditions (not doctrine or dogma).
As an Episcopal school, we embrace values that unite people, rather than values that divide. GSL prides itself on having a community where each individual is known, valued, and cherished as a child of God. We do not subscribe to a single list of rules that define who we must be as a community. Rather, we embrace our own rites and traditions that embody the common values of our school community, recognizing that what we strive to teach, emphasize, and cultivate must always grow out of present needs and look forward to the demands of the future.
We value reason.
As an Episcopal school, we value reason as a way to true understanding. In the Episcopal faith, there is no human authority telling someone how to think, so the responsibility to reason one’s way to understanding becomes an individual undertaking, which also reinforces the importance of respecting individual beliefs.
An Episcopal education begins from the premise that we are a community of explorers who need to continuously learn and grow. All students, faculty, and staff at GSL are encouraged to pursue questions wherever they lead, to use their natural aptitudes, and to value the learning and thought that has been inherited from the past. They are also encouraged to explore important questions of belief and identity and to engage with those who believe as they do, as well as those who see things quite differently.
We care about society in our communities and the world.
As an intentionally inclusive school, we respect the dignity of each individual and believe that each person contributes to the strength of our community. The Episcopal tradition recognizes and celebrates the unique, inherent worth of every person.
In our Episcopal school setting, everyone is welcomed and respected. We are a place for all, offering peace for all. In this spirit, we welcome families of all faiths and of no faith at all. We seek out diverse students, families, faculty, and staff and strive to instill in all community members a deep respect for differences in things like age, gender, race, religion, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, and ethnicity.
Students of Grace-St. Luke’s are expected to regard fellow students and community members with dignity, respect, and love. We help students recognize that they have an important role in caring for society. We strive to help students understand that they do not exist apart from society, but that they are called to respond to the needs of others. As part of their journey at GSL, students gain a broader understanding of issues that exist in society and are encouraged to consider what their individual responses can be to help make a difference in their communities and the world.
Learning Through Chapel
God loves you.
There is a way to think about right and wrong based on this knowledge.
It is important to think about how we live in community with each other.
We are called to treat each person with empathy, dignity, and respect.