Meet the Team
Faculty & Staff
Kimberly White
Middle School Dean of Students, 8th Grade English Teacher, 7th & 8th Grade Latin Teacher
Not pictured: Jillian Avery, Little Lukers Assistant Teacher; Noah Campbell, 6th Grade Bible Teacher; Courtney Ciaramitaro, School Counselor; Mallory Cook, 4th Grade Teacher; Alaina Holt, Little Saints Assistant Teacher; Phoebe Jarvis, Little Lukers Assistant Teacher; Gus Kraus, 5th & 6th Grade Latin and 5th Grade History Teacher; Briana Moore, Little Saints Lead Teacher; Anne Phillips, Preschool Administrative Assistant; Sarah Hunter Simanson, Middle School English Teacher; Mark Stewart, Maintenance Specialist; Aida Sulfridge, Little Saints Lead Teacher; Robert Ward, Preschool Fun & Fitness Teacher; Johnny Webster, Junior Kindergarten Teacher.