Anchor Center Library
GSL's library is centrally located in the Anchor Center at 250 Lemaster. We offer more than 26,000 books and resources along with a wide variety of reading materials, including electronic and traditional resources, for teacher use and for students ages 18 months and above.
Jan Willis is the Director of Library Services and Laura Lemly Willis is the Early Childhood Librarian.
Little Saints and Little Lukers enjoy library classes once a month. PK & JK students visit the library for classes twice a month. Lower School (SK-4th grade) students have weekly classes in the library, as well as an opportunity for checkouts. Middle School (5th-8th grade) students come on a regular basis and also use the library as a resource for research, assignments, and personal reading.
Library Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, &. Friday: 7:30-3:30
Wednesday: 7:30-2:15 (early dismissal day)
Family Library Accounts
Parents can create a free Family Library Account to check out books. We especially recommend this for Miss Lee's parents because it provides immediate access to the library's extensive preschool board book, picture book, and nonfiction collections. Items check out for two weeks. To register for a Family Library Account, please click here.
Gift Books to Honor Someone
Celebrate a child, teacher, family member, or any occasion with a gift that will last and help your GSL Library!
Here’s how it works:
We will select the perfect book for the individual honored.
A special commemorative bookplate is placed in the book.
If the book is in honor of a child, he/she can be the first one to check that book out.
Online Library Catalog
Our Alexandria online catalog provides access to our extensive collection. Click here to view our online catalog.
Accelerated Reader Information
Students may take Accelerated Reading (AR) Quizzes and do diagnostic testing using the Renaissance Learning resources in the library or in their classrooms. Click here to access AR Quizzes, which must be taken on campus.
Click on AR Bookfinder to find out if a given book has an AR quiz and determine its reading level.
Lost or Damaged Books
If a student loses a book, he/she must pay the replacement cost. If the book is found after replacement, the student is welcome to return the book to the library, but the library cannot issue a refund at that point.
The librarian will assess charges for any damaged books depending on the extent of mending required to make it serviceable.
Contact Information: For any questions, email Jan Willis or Laura Lemly Willis.